Sunday, January 10, 2010


Another year...another birthday...ehh no biggie. ;) I honestly have yet to get that "freak out" feeling that I'm creeping up on the dreaded "30" mark of my life. I really don't feel any older for the most part. Although, it's very evident in my body that I'm getting older & therefore, changes are necessary. hehehe! Change is always good right. But we humans are creatures of habit...correct? Well, this creature has hit her limit of using that old excuse that I never had to really "worry" about watching my weight or really "trying" to stay in shape, work out, eat "right," etc. I ABSOLUTELY MUST quit being so lazy & create new habits for myself!! Ahhh!! So why the mess am I still so sluggish & feel so blobby?! What will it take for me to get "with the program" & make some lifestyle changes? I really don't know. I say that I think it would help tremendously if I had a partner in crime, if you will. A fellow needer to lose weight & get healthy pal that will help me stay accountable for my intake & exercise, etc. Yeah well...haven't found one yet. And I can't afford a gym membership so that makes it a little more difficult to find a buddy like that because we can't both get on my treadmill at the same time. And honestly, by the time I'm home with my family I'd rather not leave again.

And I need more than to just get my body in shape...I need to get my mind in shape again!! Woah do I ever need to get my mind in shape!! I really wonder what happened to that girl that used to be so determined about something that no matter what I'd get something done or accomplished. Adam & I have a dear friend that we rarely see or speak with but when we do it's always so good to see him or talk to him. And it's especially nice for he & I to talk because this friend has always challenged me intellectually. From our very first year at Belhaven this guy challenged my faith, and he helped me to understand how imperative it is for us to really KNOW why we believe what we believe! And on a further note, this friend is unfortunately not a fellow believer...he doesn't necessarily not "believe" he just doesn't BELIEVE...know what I mean. Every opportunity I get I share with him what God has done in mine & my little family's lives & I pray that one day he will come to know the Jesus that so amazingly LOVES him!

Now don't get me wrong my role as a mother is EXTREMELY important & most definitely one that I would never exchange for anything!! But sometimes I feel that I've allowed the fact that I have been a "stay-at-home" mom to dwindle my desire to learn. Does that make sense? I mean, here I worked so hard to earn a degree in an area of study that I still feel so strongly about but I haven't done a thing with it since that paper was awarded me. I just know that I let my being a mom stop there when I could have continued my process of learning & seeking knowledge. So anyway, that's where I am right now. 2010 has big things in store for my family I have no doubt about that! Now it's time for me to start living up to some great expectations as well!!