"When you understand who you are in Christ, a rest enters your soul that cannot exist with striving and struggling. Just as darkness cannot coexist with light, striving for approval does not coexist with confidence in His grace. Who you are in Christ matters more than what you do. God accepts and loves you, just as you are, to demonstrate His Glory to all the world."
I am so grateful for this confidence...in who I am in Christ Jesus! I am so grateful for what He has done in the 27 years of my life...especially the last six of those. I find myself overwhelmed by His great love & His incredible grace & mercy that He continuously pours out on my worthless self. And while by no means have I fully reached His expectations for my life on this earth I find peace in knowing that I am walking in the path that He has set out for me. Get a little sidetracked at times...sure. Wonder why He's leading me this way and not that...of course. But as big as my dreams are I know that His dreams for me are even bigger! So how is one to stay motivated to keep on keeping on especially when you just cannot understand why in the world He would allow some things to happen to you/around you/inside you? Well, my motivation to stay the course is my love for my GREAT GOD!! Because even when I don't understand & I sure don't want to do what I know I've been "told" to do He always, in His way(s) for me, lets me know that I've done as He would have me do time and time again.
Yes, a rest has entered my soul...